On May 27th, 2024, we introduced a major enhancement to StudyPlans, one of the most requested features from our community. This enhancement allows you to add multiple StudySets to a single StudyPlan, providing greater flexibility and better organization for your study materials.

Why the Migration?

  1. Enhanced Functionality: The new StudyPlans structure supports multiple StudySets, which was not possible with the old version. This improvement requires a structural change in how StudyPlans are stored and managed.
  2. Improved Performance: The new setup optimizes performance, making your study experience smoother and faster. Migrating your existing StudyPlans ensures that you benefit from these performance enhancements.
  3. Custom Titles: The updated StudyPlans now allow custom titles, enabling you to label your study plans according to your specific needs and preferences.

How to Migrate

The migration process is simple and user-friendly:

  • Step 1: Click the “Migrate” button on your existing StudyPlan.
  • Step 2: Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Step 3: Your StudyPlan will be upgraded to the new format seamlessly, and all your data will be preserved.

We’re Here to Help

If you encounter any issues or have any questions during the migration process, our support team is ready to assist you. Reach out to us through the support chat in the bottom left corner of the screen.